Apr 05

Marketing And Facebook

As the world’s most popular social media network Facebook is an obvious place to do some marketing. It is a system that has billions of users all over the globe and represents a fantastic opportunity to reach customers both old and new.

People who “like” a brand on Facebook are more likely to buy from that company or person but they are no doing so in order to purchase something. So, what are they after?

Once we understand that it will help determine how to craft posts for that platform, and it is having both similarities and differences from platforms like Twitter.

Let’s take a look:

  • They want to give immediate feedback. Often, this could be a complaint, as anyone in business knows people are far more likely to complain than say something positive, but it gives a great place to address those issues in near real time.
    1. This also gives the public a chance to see you resolving issues in near real time.
  • To get answers to questions.
    1. As many companies do away with customer services lines, and small businesses do not have the resources to open one, social media gives a very inexpensive way for businesses, creators/makers to answer questions about products and services in near real time.
  • Most Facebook users are looking for entertainment.
    1. If your only posts are business-like updates your following will stay small or shrink.
    2. If your posts are fun, entertaining and give people something to engage with your community will grow and flourish.
  • Their friends are doing it.
    1. It sounds cliché but people will follow their friends interests in some ways. So “because Johnny did it” actually works here.
  • They want to interact with like-minded people.
    1. Let’s say your business is marketing of a bar that specializes in country music. People may follow your page if you have a large local following of like-minded individuals, or even host local events and put up a page for people to see new, upcoming events like live bands for instance.
  • They are looking for updates or news .
    1. Let’s say you run a software company like we do, and you have constant updates and bug fixes being done, social media is a great place to communicate upcoming releases and keep users informed in a quick, and inexpensive way.
  • They are seeking discounts.
    1. This one really matters. Lots of people dive into company Facebook pages looking for discount codes. It can be a very inexpensive way to turn a potential client into a paying client or customer.

Remember a few things. Not everyone who likes your Facebook page will interact with it. Some will want to just watch others interact on your page. It is important to monitor your engagement rate and make efforts to keep it high!

It is important to have an engaging page. Make sure the person running it is knowledgeable, personable, and it does help to be funny as well as patient. So, you know, as they say, no pressure!!

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